Hi -
I was curious if there was any way to regulate the modules on a non-main page. For example, is it possible to remove the "videos" module from the "my page" (profile page).
Also, is there any way to add specific CSS to specific modules? For example, I want Events to have a black background but the news feed to have a white one, etc.
Sorry for the delay in the response! If you're asking specifically about members' My Page, members can set their video module to showing "0" and the module will not appear to other members. Any modules that don't display content will not appear to other members looking at the profile page. Members can also move around the layout of their page if the NC allows them to (under Dashboard > Members > Controls > My Page Permissions).
And yes, you can add specific CSS to specific modules. For the Events module, use the selector:
#xg_body .xg_module.module_events
For the newsfeed, use the selector:
#xg_body #xg_network_activity
For future reference, there are several ways you can find out what selectors you need to target (aside from simply viewing page source); if you use Firefox, you can download the add-on Firebug, or if you use Chrome, you can simply right-click and select "Inspect Element" to take a closer look at the HTML. Both of these can be very useful tools when you want to customize the look of your network. Hope that answers your question!
Hello Florence,
I don't think that all questions are answered.
For example, is it possible to remove the "videos" module from the "my page" (profile page).
I understand, that he (and me too) wants to know if its possible to arrange the modules speperate for every site. For example on the Main page the modules textarea, videos and birthdays. But on the MyPage only the modules Textarea and Videos - and not birthdays.
Hi Tobias,
Sorry, just to make sure you get the answer you're looking for:
Do you mean you want to rearrange the placement of the modules for the pages other than the Main page and My Page? (because on those 2 pages, you can control where the modules go)
Or did you just mean you want to be able to hide certain modules on certain pages?
Hey Florence,
I want to rearrange the placement of the modules for pages other than the main page.
I guess hiding certain modules is easy with the "display:none;", isnt it?
Hi Tobias!
Unfortunately changing the layout for other pages is not currently built into our product. We've gotten several requests for it though, so it's on our radar, but we won't be implementing that capability anytime soon. If you're familiar with JQuery, you can try using it to accomplish what you're looking to do, but otherwise I wouldn't suggest it.
And yes, hiding modules is easy! Just wanted to make sure that wasn't what you were asking.
Hello Again :)
I'm still working on my project and have to realize, that hiding ALL SEPERATE boxes insn't that easy. I have several textboxes on the mainpage and don't really think they're all having their own name.
A snipped of my sourcecode:
span class="nodeTag">div class="xg_3col first-child last-child" _columncount="3" _maxembedwidth="650">
strong>div class="xg_module html_module module_text xg_reset" hasdefaultcontent="false" _maxlength="100000" _defaultbody="" _title="Das bietet dir die UML-Mitgliedschaft" updateurl="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/html/embed/updateEmbed?id=1..." url="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/html/embed/setValues?id=141..." dojotype="HtmlModule" data-module_name="text">
strong>div class="xg_module html_module module_text xg_reset" hasdefaultcontent="false" _maxlength="100000" _defaultbody="" _title="So wirst du UML-Mitglied" updateurl="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/html/embed/updateEmbed?id=1..." url="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/html/embed/setValues?id=139..." dojotype="HtmlModule" data-module_name="text">
span class="nodeTag">div id="xg_network_activity" class="xg_module xg_module_activity indented_content column_2" _privacysettingsurl="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/profiles/profile/privacySet..." _settingsurl="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/main/activity/edit" _setvaluesurl="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/activity/embed/setValues?id..." _excerptlengthset="500" _displayset="detail" _excerptlengthoptionsjson="[100,250,500,1000]" _numoptionsjson="[{"label":"0","value":"0"},{"label":"4","value":"4"},{"label":"8","value":"8"},{"label":"12","value":"12"},{"label":"16","value":"16"},{"label":"20","value":"20"}]" _displayoptionsjson="[{"label":"Detailansicht","value":"detail"},{"label":"Nur Titel","value":"titles"}]" data-get-items-url="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/activity/index/getActivityI..." data-excerpt-length="500" data-owner-name="" _activitynum="12" _refreshurl="http://unternehmermeineslebens.ning.com/activity/embed/refresh?id=1..." _embedlocatorid="104/homepage/index" _maxembedwidth="650" _columncount="2" _activityoptionsavailable="1" _isadmin="1" _isprofile="" data-module_name="activity" dojotype="ActivityModule">
I want to handle the two bold divs depend if you are logged in or not. How to do this I already learnt but here I don't see a specified name, how I can call them in my handeling. You are having an idea?
Best Tobi
would it be possible to add modules which exist on the home page on to other "pages" by recreating the HTML and adding the custom CSS in the header management area of a new page?
Florence Tsai said:
Sorry for the delay in the response! If you're asking specifically about members' My Page, members can set their video module to showing "0" and the module will not appear to other members. Any modules that don't display content will not appear to other members looking at the profile page. Members can also move around the layout of their page if the NC allows them to (under Dashboard > Members > Controls > My Page Permissions).
And yes, you can add specific CSS to specific modules. For the Events module, use the selector:
#xg_body .xg_module.module_events
For the newsfeed, use the selector:
#xg_body #xg_network_activity
For future reference, there are several ways you can find out what selectors you need to target (aside from simply viewing page source); if you use Firefox, you can download the add-on Firebug, or if you use Chrome, you can simply right-click and select "Inspect Element" to take a closer look at the HTML. Both of these can be very useful tools when you want to customize the look of your network. Hope that answers your question!
Started by Nathan Stearns in Questions and Answers. Last reply by JFarrow Sep 13, 2012.
Started by James Kelly in Questions and Answers. Last reply by Tobias Selzer May 15, 2012.
Started by Linda Carter in Questions and Answers. Last reply by Tobias Selzer Mar 6, 2012.
Started by Lynnette Eve in Questions and Answers. Last reply by Florence Tsai Feb 8, 2012.
Started by Nathan Stearns in Questions and Answers. Last reply by Jen Sep 24, 2011.
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